Frequently Asked Questions
What is MyAirvo2?
MyAirvo2 is a humidified high flow therapy system in which assists patients in mobilizing secretions, improve coughing, minimizes hospitalizations and improves quality of life. It is the new standard of care for anyone with Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases such as COPD, Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis, Interstitial Lung disease and for long term Tracheosomty care. It is available for Adults and Children and easier to use than CPAP systems and made for day-time and night-time use.
What is Relative Humidity (RH%)

By Increasing the humdity level and delivering therapy up to 37 degrees, the Relative Humidity delivered by MyAirvo can meet optimal therapy RH%, help mobilize secretions and make work of breathing easier.
What is High Flow Therapy?
High Flow therapy is an Open-System flow therapy delivering between 2LPM-25LPM of Air for Pediatrics and 10L-60LPM of air for Adults. High Flow therapy provides assistance with work of breathing by always providing some support for breathing efforts.
Is MyAirvo Right for me?
Is MyAirvo Right for me?
Weak Cough
Thick stubborn mucous that is hard to expectorate
COPD, ILD, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis or Tracheostomy
MyAirvo2 Funding
MyAirvo2 is a revolutionary therapy for management of lung diseases such as COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Interstitial lung disease (ILD), Bronchiectasis and provides excellent Tracheostomy care.
- Improves Mucous Secretion
- Provides 100% Relative Humidity
- Adult & Pediatric oriented care
- Quieter and Easier to use than CPAP
- Decrease Hospitalizations
- Increase Quality of Life
- CHME Lifetime Guarantee on MyAirVo Unit
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